Decided to check a few webcrawler archiving shit, and asking others if they for some reason had older versions of the site before it was taken down back in 2020. I found a lot. Can't share them all yet, however. They need to be checked that they are legitimate.

What I do have that I know are real, however, is fascinating. Truly relics of the early web.

if you dont care, then go back to the main page.

[out of character placeholders put in these square brackets]


1996, April 7 - Earliest version of the site. Joe Goldarki credited as creator of site.

1996, April 12 - Every game (at that point in time) in a small text blurb under a Games page.

1996, May 1 - New page added about [put another fictional game here]'s development.

[random pages between may 1996 and july 1999]

1998, January 1 - [something about joe goldarki being fired from site design, massive overhaul from the 1996 pages]

[bla bla bla why am i putting effort into this]

1999, July 24 - Page detailing things about new Lord Garlic Game.

1999, July 25 - "No, we won't stop development on the game about the mass murderer from onion kid"

[more random garlic islands devlog pages, probably large gap here so i can make it a single page]

2002, September 4 - "Garlic Islands launched! No it didn't need to take around 3 years to make but it was worth it, wasn't it?"